indoor redfoot cage size - Tortoise Forum
Jul 23, 2013 · What is the minimum cage size for a redfoot tortoise if it is kept indoors?
Red foot size? | Tortoise Forum
Jul 5, 2010 · I am slowly trying to compile a size/age/weight chart for Red-foots, and it looks like 5"/13cm SCL (straight line carapace length) happens around 2.5 to 3.5 years. (Mine were fed too much and grew faster, so I cannot use my own logs.) Growth stages vary by the author or researcher, but many people seem to roughly talk about them this way (ages will vary, size is often as or more important ...
Is it a bad idea to keep 2 tortoises together regardless of their age ...
Feb 16, 2020 · Hi, I had my red foot tortoise for almost a year now & she has tripled in size. I & probably a few other tortoise keepers would like to know if they will always behave aggressively towards each other regardless of their age, size differences or of any sex even of the same species? Is it the more...
Redfoot weight, size chart. - Tortoise Forum
Dec 10, 2013 · Hello everyone! Im looking everywhere and I cant find anything on redfoot. Im looking for some chart or a way of ratio calculation so using the size and weight of my redfoots I can know if they are under or over weight??? Cause I have a notebook full of info of it and I would like to know how...
Redfoot Tortoise Care Sheet
Feb 20, 2016 · Scientific name -Chelonoidis carbonarius Common name - Redfoot, red footed tortoise. Some color variations are unofficially called “cherry-head”. Family - Testudinidae Genus - Chelonoidis Species - carbonarius Lifespan - 80+ years Social abilities - They do great Solitary or in groups of all females, or groups with at least three females and one male (but expect breeding). Pairs generally ...
is an 8x2x2 good for an adult red foot/cherry head indoors?
Dec 23, 2021 · Is an 8x2x2 or something similar good for an adult red foot tortoise/cherry head indoors for its whole life I'll show pictures.
Red foot size - Tortoise Forum
Mar 9, 2021 · Is a 3.7 inch shell length and a 2 inch wide shell a good size for a 6 month old Red Foot?
RedFoot Enclosure - Tortoise Forum
Nov 1, 2016 · building a new enclosure for my red foot tortoise because we just bought 2 more that will be here next week! They are yearlings about 4.5-5inches so 3 redfoots. Will a 7 1/2ftX 7ft enclosure be enough for the winter ? I can go longer not more in width though.and any ideas for plants to add to...
Leopard or Red Footed Tortoise
Mar 11, 2015 · There are sub species of Red Foot. They vary in size according to location. I think the biggest are from Bolivia. (Mine are all Colombian.) Are you going to have a place for your tortoise to live outdoors? Even a small tortoise will need an area that is quite large. Are you deciding between these because they are your favorites? there are …
Housing older red foot/cherryhead | Tortoise Forum
Dec 28, 2023 · As adults they need a pretty large enclosure, roaming is vital to tortoise health, it aids digestion and strengthens their muscles. For an adult red foot, you’re looking at room sized.