Quercus alba - Wikipedia
Quercus alba, the white oak, is one of the preeminent hardwoods of eastern and central North America. It is a long-lived oak, native to eastern and central North America and found from Minnesota, Ontario, Quebec, and southern Maine south as …
Quercus alba (American White Oak, Eastern White Oak, Forked-leaf White ...
Use white oak as a shade tree for large yards or parks, or in a naturalized area for wildlife to enjoy. It is suitable for butterfly, children’s, drought-tolerant, edible, native, nighttime, and pollinator gardens.
Quercus alba L - US Forest Service Research and Development
White oak (Quercus alba) is an outstanding tree among all trees and is widespread across eastern North America. The most important lumber tree of the white oak group, growth is good on all but the driest shallow soils.
White Oak Trees (Quercus alba): Care and Growing Guide - The …
Oct 25, 2023 · The white oak tree (Quercus alba) is one of the continent’s predominant native hardwood tree species appearing throughout Eastern North America’s forests. While it will not disappoint as a design feature, oaks are among the most valuable native trees we can plant.
White Oak | The Wood Database (Hardwood)
Common Name(s): White oak, American white oak. Scientific Name: Quercus alba. Distribution: Eastern United States. Tree Size: 65–85 ft (20–25 m) tall, 3–4 ft (1–1.2 m) trunk diameter. Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): SPECIFIC GRAVITY Specific gravity is the ratio of a wood’s density to water (with water being 1.00).
White Oak (Quercus alba): A Most Noble American Oak Tree
Regarded by many as the most noble American oak, Quercus alba, commonly known as the white oak, is a majestic, long-lived deciduous tree. Its grandeur and characteristic gray-white bark make it one of the most iconic trees in North American woodlands.
White Oak (Quercus alba): History, Range, Characteristics
Jan 31, 2025 · White Oak, scientifically known as Quercus alba, is a member of the genus Quercus in the beech family, Fagaceae. This species falls under the white oak group, which is characterized by leaves with rounded lobes, acorns that mature in one season, and wood with large, open pores.
White Oak (Quercus alba) - Illinois Wildflowers
White Oak is found in wooded areas of varying quality; sometimes it is a dominant or codominant canopy tree. White Oak is slowly being replaced by more shade tolerant trees, particularly Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum), because of the suppression of fire, to which it is moderately resistant.
Scientific name: Quercus alba Pronunciation: KWERK-us AL-buh Common name(s): White Oak Family: Fagaceae USDA hardiness zones: 3B through 8 (Fig. 2) Origin: native to North America Uses: large parking lot islands (> 200 square feet in size); wide tree lawns (>6 feet wide); recommended for buffer strips around parking lots or for median strip
USDA Plants Database
Quercus alba L. white oak. Profile pages. General; Images; Synonyms; Wetland; Related Links; Sources; Characteristics; white oak General Information Symbol ... white oak Classification Kingdom Plantae - Plants: Subkingdom Tracheobionta - Vascular plants: Superdivision ...