OneZoom Tree of Life Explorer
In our interactive tree of life you can explore the relationships between 2,235,473 species and wonder at 105,463 images on a single zoomable page. Each leaf represents a different species, and the branches illustrate how these many species evolved from common ancestors over billions of …
A view of all known life - OneZoom
OneZoom is the only tool where you can explore the complete tree of all known life, over two million species, on one page. You can find everything here from the Aaa Water Treader Bug to the ZZ Plant .
OneZoom Tree of Life Explorer
In our interactive tree of life you can explore the relationships between 2,235,473 species and wonder at 105,464 images on a single zoomable page. Each leaf represents a different species, and the branches illustrate how these many species evolved from common ancestors over billions of …
Full user guide - OneZoom
What is the tree of life? Everything that is alive, or has ever been alive has a place somewhere on the complete tree of life. Each leaf represents a different species and the branches show how they are evolved from common ancestors over billions of years.
About OneZoom
We aim to provide easy access to scientific knowledge about biodiversity and evolution, and raise awareness about the variety of life on earth together with the need to conserve it. In pursuit of these aims, our current focus is on developing this visualization of the tree of life.
OneZoom Tree of Life Explorer, text page for Primates
Meanwhile, we have taken you to the root of the OneZoom tree. The Open Tree contains additional species not on the OneZoom tree (particularly subspecies and fossils). To check if this is why we cannot find your species or group, you can look for this taxon on the Open Tree of Life, or search the taxonomy database that they maintain.
OneZoom Tree of Life Explorer, text page for Eucarida
The Open Tree contains additional species not on the OneZoom tree (particularly subspecies and fossils). To check if this is why we cannot find your species or group, you can look for this taxon on the Open Tree of Life , or search the taxonomy database that they maintain .
OneZoom Tree of Life Explorer, text page for OTTNone
The Open Tree contains additional species not on the OneZoom tree (particularly subspecies and fossils). To check if this is why we cannot find your species or group, you can look for this taxon on the Open Tree of Life , or search the taxonomy database that they maintain .
OneZoom Tree of Life Explorer, text page for Animals and more
The Open Tree contains additional species not on the OneZoom tree (particularly subspecies and fossils). To check if this is why we cannot find your species or group, you can look for this taxon on the Open Tree of Life , or search the taxonomy database that they maintain .
OneZoom Tree of Life Explorer, text page for OTTNone
Meanwhile, we have taken you to the root of the OneZoom tree. The Open Tree contains additional species not on the OneZoom tree (particularly subspecies and fossils). To check if this is why we cannot find your species or group, you can