SCP-173 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-173. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: Item SCP-173 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. When personnel must enter SCP-173's container, no fewer than 3 may enter at any time and the door is to be relocked behind them.
SCP-017 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-017 is a humanoid figure approximately 80 centimeters in height, anatomically similar to a small child, but with no discernible identifying features. SCP-017 seems to be composed of a shadowy, smoke-like shroud.
Revised Entry - SCP Foundation
Oct 13, 2024 · SCP-173 has besieged and destroyed 4 Foundation facilities near simultaneously in the last 24 hours. Each instance shows the characteristic strength exhibited in the original, and thousands working in unison are capable of ripping open concrete bunkers and compromising foot-thick steel doors.
SCP Series - SCP Foundation
Jan 19, 2025 · SCP Series Table of Contents Content Archives 001 to 099 100 to 199 200 to 299 300 to 399 400 to 499 500 to 599 600 to 699 700 to 799 800 to 899 900 to 999 ... SCP-173 - The Sculpture - The Original; SCP-174 - Ventriloquist's Dummy; SCP-175 - Treasure Map; SCP-176 - Observable Time Loop; SCP-177 - Checkmate; SCP-178 - "3-D" Specs;
SCP-173 But… - SCP Foundation
Feb 3, 2024 · Item #: SCP-173 Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: Item SCP-173 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. When personnel must enter SCP-173's container, no fewer than 3 may enter at any time and the door is to be relocked behind them.
Have A Heart - SCP Foundation
Oct 11, 2024 · A small, red object, with two bumps on one end and a small point on the other, with a white, waving pattern curling around the edges. Without pausing in its mad, frantic scratching of the walls, 173 picked up the object and peered closely at it.
Addendum: SCP-173 Containment Procedures Update - SCP
After last week's containment breaches from SCP- and SCP-173, I revisited my containment proposal. The update is attached below. Researcher Leah Królik
SCP-131 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B (affectionately nicknamed the "Eye Pods" by personnel) are a pair of teardrop-shaped creatures roughly 30 cm (1 ft) in height, with a single blue eye in the middle of their bodies. SCP-131-A is burnt orange in color while SCP-131-B is mustard yellow.
Date Night - SCP Foundation
D-23897 opened the box, revealing a gold necklace inlaid with dozens of small diamonds. “It should be the right size, I had it made especially for you. Go ahead, put it on,” Clef smiled. D-23897 removed the necklace from the box and reluctantly tied it around 173's neck, wincing as his fingers brushed against the cold, hard cement surface.
Locations of Interest - SCP Foundation
Mar 21, 2025 · Nx-173: Sculpture Island. Area Class: Dunwich. Location: Dr. Moto's office, Site-19. Containment Facility: Site-19. Description: Nx-173 is a small island accessible via a wooden door in Dr. Moto's office, Site-19. The door appeared somewhere in 1993 along with the disappearance of Dr. Moto. Origin and where the island is situated are unknown ...
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