Rose-breasted Grosbeak - BirdForum Opus
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Immature or Fall, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Central Maine, USA
Sep 6, 2012 · I got a brief look at this bird on my platform feeder today. Looks like a "rose breast" but faded. I know at least 2 pair live around here spring and summer, but I have never seen one like this. Thank you, River Girl
Female/Immature Rose Breasted Grosbeak? - BirdForum
May 12, 2019 · It has very distinct striping on its head and there seem to be yellow feathers under its wings. It arrived at the same time as a couple of male Rose Breasted Grosbeaks at the feeder and based on similar photos I found online, it appears to be an immature or female Rose Breasted Grosbeak. Based on the attached photos, does that look accurate?
Grosbeak Identification - Southern California - BirdForum
Mar 22, 2017 · It was hanging out with the Rose-breasted Grosbeak in the third picture. This was in Santa Barbara, California. The birds were up in branches of Eucalyptus trees. No other Grosbeaks around. Initially figured it was a female Rose-breasted. But then upon review, thought it could also be an immature male, or a female Black-headed Grosbeak. Thanks.
Tanager / Grosbeak Hybrid found! - BirdForum
Aug 11, 2022 · The results of that test, published in Ecology and Evolution in July, indicate that the mysterious bird Gosser found was a hybrid of a rose-breasted grosbeak and a scarlet tanager. A hybrid of these two highly diverged species has never been seen before, and its discovery raises questions about how many other hybrids may be out there waiting to ...
Black-Headed Grosbeak???? - BirdForum
Sep 18, 2007 · Grosbeak female/juvenile in my backyard as I write this. I know what you are all thinking, its just a female/juvenile Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, but I truly believe this one if different. Today, I had school off and took a little walk in the woodsy area behind my house. At the tail end of my walk, I noticed a different looking bird.
Black-headed Grosbeak in Wisconsin? - BirdForum
May 13, 2014 · I think it may be a 1st summer / 2nd calender year male Rose-breasted. Apart from the all pale bill the uppertail coverts ( if I'm reading the photo correctly ) are bright white. They would be orangey brown / orange on Black-headed. The chin and throat also appear to be black, it's only the chin on Black-headed.
Rose Breast Grosbeak - BirdForum
May 7, 2008 · I have been maintaining a feeder in SW Arkansas, De Queen, for around 20 years and for the first time I have Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo buntings and Goldfinches coming into my feeders everyday. In the past as soon as winter broke the Goldfinches were out of here until the next winter...
Night singing bird in Nova Scotia - BirdForum
Jun 7, 2004 · I have just played the sounds of Robin and Rose breasted Grosbeak and the Evening Grosbeak. The really annoying thing is that, on my CD ROM of Peterson's Multimedia Guide of North American birds, the sound of the Evening Grosbeak has the sound of the bird I hear, but in the background. None of the other sounds are quite right.
Grosbeak and... what? (Colorado) - BirdForum
Jun 1, 2021 · Last evening up against the front range foothills we saw a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak fly from tree to tree until we got a fine view of him. In this last pine tree, just behind him, there was a second bird which we took to be the female of a pair, facing away from us with a mottled brown back...