SS Norwich City - Wikipedia
SS Norwich City was a British cargo steamship. It was built in 1911 as Normanby, and renamed Norwich City in 1919. It was wrecked in the Pacific Ocean in 1929. For many years its wreck was a sea mark on the atoll of Nikumaroro. The wreck is now largely broken up.
The Wreck of the Norwich City - TIGHAR
The SS Norwich City departed Melbourne on 17th November 1929, manned by 26 officers and crew and 9 Arab firemen. Bound for Honolulu for refuelling, before heading on to Vancouver, she was in ballast and riding high, especially at the bow (Naval Court Evidence).
Nikumaroro's Secret Shipwreck - OCEANSCAPE NETWORK
On November 29, 1929, the British freighter SS Norwich City wrecked on the reef here during a tropical storm. When a fire broke out in the ship, the crew were forced to wade across the reef and seek shelter on the atoll.
The Long Farewell of the Norwich City - TIGHAR
Jan 9, 2017 · On the night of November 29, 1929 the British freighter SS Norwich City ran hard aground on the reef at Gardner Island (now Nikumaroro). The accident and its aftermath took the lives of eleven crewmen and left twenty-four survivors stranded on the island until rescue ships arrived four days later.
Nikumaroro Island - Atlas Obscura
Jul 23, 2013 · A remote coral island with a gristly history of shipwreck, battles, and a horrendous war crime.
The Wreck of the Norwich City--Court of Inquiry - TIGHAR
In pursuance of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 section 481 a Naval court was held to collect what evidence was available referring to the wreck of the "Norwich City" on Gardner Island on 29/12/29*. The evidence taken herewith submitted.
SS Norwich City | Military Wiki | Fandom
The devastated wreck of the Norwich City was a prominent landmark on the reef for 70 years, though by 2007, only the ship's keel, engine, and two large tanks remained. By 2010, only the engine remained above water on the reef.
Wreck of SS Norwich City - Wikimapia
The wreck of the SS Norwich City was left onsite and was partially salvaged of non-damaged items over the next three months but as of February 10th, 1930 the ship was declared a total loss and abandoned.
During a storm on 29 November 1929, the SS Norwich City, in ballast from Melbourne to Honolulu and a crew of 35 men, ran aground on the reef at Gardner Island northwest corner. A fire broke out in the engine room and all hands abandoned ship in darkness through storm waves across the dangerous coral reef.
Amelia Earhart Archaeology: Lost Norwich City Crewmen
Jan 22, 2019 · An important possibility is offered by the missing crewmen of the SS Norwich City, most of them Yemeni, lost on Nikumaroro’s northwest shore (Nutiran) in 1929.