Anti-Mage - Dota 2 Wiki
In DotA, Anti-Mage's full name and title was "Magina, the Anti-Mage"; in Dota 2, his name was removed for unspecified reasons. In DotA, Anti-Mage has a chance to spawn with " BurNIng " as name, instead of Magina, which is a tribute to the professional DotA player.
Anti-Mage - Dota 2 Wiki
No DotA, o nome completo e título do Anti-Mage é "Magina, o Anti-Mage"; no Dota 2, seu nome foi removido por razões desconhecidas. No DotA, Anti-Mage tem uma chance de ter o nome "BurNIng", em vez de Magina, que é uma homenagem ao jogador profissional BurNIng .
Anti-Mage/Lore - Dota 2 Wiki
Anti-Mage hates magic. Despite being an acolyte at the time of his escape, Anti-Mage has learned some techniques of the Turstarkuri, possibly from its dogmatic scrolls.[1] After escaping from Turstarkuri, Anti-Mage continued to meditate in …
Anti-Mage/Counters - Dota 2 Wiki
Berserker's Call prevents Anti-Mage from escaping with Blink, and works well with Blade Mail against Anti-Mage's relatively low health. Counter Helix often triggers even if Axe's depleted of mana, which will make Anti-Mage take more damage than he's dealing and deals pure damage, ignoring the protection from Counterspell. Axe's low mana pool makes him a bad target for using Mana Void. Axe's ...
Anti-Mage/Guide - Dota 2 Wiki
Ironically, anti mage's power spike is at level 2. If the enemy tries to walk up and last hit or harass, burn their mana and bully them out of lane (while securing last hits), since later on they will use that mana to bully you out of lane.
Anti-Mage/Guia - Dota 2 Wiki
Itens iniciais: Tango Bálsamo de Cura Galho de Ferro Escudo Robusto Começo da partida: Machado Supressor Botas de Velocidade Graveto Mágico Anel de Vida Meio da partida: Coturnos do Poder Varinha Mágica Fúria de Batalha Machado Ilusório Minutos finais: Lâmina Abissal Borboleta Itens situacionais: Bastão Preto da Realeza Satânico Coração do Tarrasque
Anti-Mage/Responses - Dota 2 Wiki
️ Antimage. ️ All magic flies before me. ️ I bring an end to magic. ️ The magic ends here. ️ Truth compels me. ️ The true path! ️ Magic shall not prevail! ️ I turn magic aside! ️ Such sorcery shall not prevail. ️ Magic is an abomination. ️ Prepare thyself! ️ I fear no vile sorcery! Picked ️ Antimage. Banned ️ Oh. ️ Antimage. ️ All magic flies before me. ️ I ...
Anti-Mage - Dota 2 Вики
Реликвии отслеживают действия героя и статистику, а также отображают внутриигровые уведомления при достижении определённых отметок. В DotA имя Anti-Mage было Magina, но в Dota 2 его имя было...
Anti-Mage/Equipment - Dota 2 Wiki
Dota 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG ...
Magic Wand - Dota 2 Wiki
Magic Wand is an item purchasable at the Base Shop, under Accessories. The item's attributes grants the following additional bonuses: 66 health and 0.27 health regeneration. 36 mana, 0.15 mana regeneration and 0.3% flat base magic resistance. 3 attack speed and 0.5 main armor. 3 main attack damage to all / / heroes. 6.3 main attack damage to universal heroes. With Mana Shield, Medusa's mana ...