Ismail Qemali - Wikipedia
Ismail Qemali, or Ismail Kemal, (Albanian: [ismail cɛmali] ⓘ; 16 January 1844 – 26 January 1919), was an Albanian politician and statesman who is regarded as the founder of modern Albania. He served as the first prime minister of Albania from December 1912 until his resignation in January 1914.
1920 | Ismail Kemal bey Vlora: Memoirs - Albanian History
Political figure, Ismail Kemal bey Vlora (1844-1919), also known as Ismail Qemal bey Vlora, and in Albanian commonly as Ismail Qemali, was born in Vlora. He attended the Zosimeia secondary school in Janina and moved to Istanbul in May 1860.
Ismail Qemali, atdhetari që shpalli Pavarësinë e Shqipërisë ( 1844 …
Nov 28, 2024 · Ismail Qemali me gjithë rezistencën këmbëngulëse që zhvilloi për sigurimin e sovranitetit kombëtar shqiptar i ndodhur midis dy zjarreve nga njëra ana të Fuqive të Mëdha dhe nga ana tjetër të reaksionit të brendshëm dha dorëheqjen më 22 janar 1914 i detyruar jashtë vullnetit të popullit të tij.
Ismail Qemal Vlora - Albanian Profile
Ismail Qemali është kryeministri dhe kryetari i parë në historinë e shtetit shqiptar. Ai qëndroi në krye të qeverisë nga data 28 Nëntor e vitit 1912 deri në 22 janar 1914 për 12 muaj e 56 ditë. Ismail Qemali ngriti në Vlorë flamurin e kuq me dy krena shqiponjash, një flamur që deri më sot na vjen në tre variante.
Ismail Qemali (Albanian Statesman) - On This Day
Biography: Regarded as the 'Father of Modern Albania', Ismail Qemali was a major figure in Albania's struggle for independence from the Ottoman Empire, which had ruled the country for 400 years. Born into an aristocratic family, Qemali was a politician under the Ottoman regime before going into exile.
Ismail Qemal | Albanian statesman | Britannica
They were led by Ismail Qemal, an Albanian who had held several high positions in the Ottoman government. On November 28, 1912, the congress issued the Vlorë proclamation, which declared Albania’s independence.
105 years since the death of Ismail Qemali, the Father of the Nation
Jan 24, 2024 · Albania commemorates today the passing of the Father of the Nation, Ismail Qemali, a leader of the National Movement. He was born in Vlorë on January 16, 1844, into one of the largest families in Southern Albania.
10 Historical facts about Ismail Qemali by Turkish ... - Oculus News
Nov 28, 2018 · The Turkish historian Nexhip Alpan has written a historical book about the founder of the Albanian state, Ismail Qemali. Though extracted from the archives and are authentic documents, these data have not yet been published in the official biography of Ismail Qemali.
50 Rare Facts on Albania's Founding Father – TeeShqip
May 3, 2021 · Ismail Qemali is the first prime minister and president in the history of the Albanian state. He remained at the head of the government from 28 November 1912 until 22 January 1914 for 12 months and 56 days. 11. Ismail Qemali raised in Vlora the red flag with two eagle heads, a flag that to this day comes in three variants.
50 fakte për Ismail Qemalin - ObserverKult
Nov 28, 2024 · Ismail Qemali u emërua sekretar i Përgjithshëm i Ministrisë së Jashtme të Turqisë në vitin 1876, një detyrë që e ndihmoi shumë të njihte diplomacinë turke nga brenda, por edhe atë të huaj.