Greene County, VA | Official Website
The Greene County Transfer Station is offering discarded logs (not cut or split) that would be great for outdoor furnaces, or your next cozy bonfire. Here are the details: Read on... Want to give back to the County?
Real Estate Assessments | Greene County, VA
Virginia law requires periodic reassessments of real estate in every taxing jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions reassess annually, however, by law six years is the most time allowed between reassessments for counties; four years for cities.
About Greene County | Greene County, VA
Greene County, Virginia is a fast-growing gateway between dynamic Northern Virginia and Charlottesville, a Money Magazine "100 best places to live." Centered at the crossroads between two major highways, U.S. 29 and U.S. 33, Greene County is only 100 miles southwest of Washington, DC, 20 miles north of downtown Charlottesville, and 78 miles ...
Greene County, VA | Official Website
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Departments - Greene County, VA
County Administrator. The County Administrator’s Office serves as the management office for Greene County government. Building Inspections. The Inspections Department handles all the county’s building code and building permit issues. Economic Development & Tourism
Region Ten Community Services Board | Greene County, VA
A 14-member board of citizens representing our service areas oversees all Region Ten services. Greene County has one (1) member appointed to the Board. Terms are three (3) years and there is a three (3) term limit for serving on the board.
Clerk of the Court - Greene County, VA
The Clerk's Office is to the right of the Courthouse on Court Square in Stanardsville, Virginia. E-Recordings. Our office is now accepting e-recordings through Simplifile. E-recording is secure, simple, and can be done from your home or office. For questions and to set up an account, please contact. Marc Arrowood Phone: 800-460-5657, ext. 1046
Transportation Infrastructure - Greene County, VA
Greene County Virginia is part of the Virginia Department of Transportation's (VDOT) Culpeper District. The district encompasses the counties of Albemarle, Culpeper, Fauquier, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock, and the independent City of …
Economic Development & Tourism | Greene County, VA
The Greene County Economic Development Department promotes Greene County as a rising center for commercial and light industrial development. Its central location also makes it a convenient tourist hub, providing a relaxing setting, picturesque mountain views, and a temperate climate with welcoming inns, select wineries, and gracious dining.
Public Notices | Greene County, VA
Click the link below to see the Planning Commission's Public Notices, Public Hearings, and Sign Notices. 2025; 2024