Darkwood Buckler - d20PFSRD
This non-magical masterwork light wooden shield is made out of darkwood. It has no enhancement bonus, but its construction material makes it lighter than a normal wooden shield. It has no armor check penalty.
Darkwood Buckler - Armor - Magic Equipment - Archives of Nethys
This nonmagical masterwork light wooden shield is made out of darkwood. It has no enhancement bonus, but its construction material makes it lighter than a normal wooden shield. It has no armor check penalty.
SRD:Darkwood Buckler - D&D Wiki
Darkwood Buckler: This nonmagical light wooden shield is made out of darkwood. It has no enhancement bonus, but its construction material makes it lighter than a normal wooden shield. It weighs 2-1/2 pounds and has no armor check penalty. No aura (nonmagical); Price 205 gp.
Magic Armor - d20srd.org
Darkwood Buckler. This nonmagical light wooden shield is made out of darkwood. It has no enhancement bonus, but its construction material makes it lighter than a normal wooden shield. It weighs 2½ pounds and has no armor check penalty. No aura (nonmagical); Price 205 gp. Darkwood Shield. This nonmagical heavy wooden shield is made out of darkwood.
Why the heck is a "Darkwood Buckler" not actually a buckler?
Apr 18, 2016 · It should be called a darkwood light shield. It's one of those nagging annoyances with the system. Mechanically it's used as a buckler, because in game there are no wooden bucklers. A buckler needs to be made of Ironwood if it were wooden to be effective, while Wooden Light Shields exist.
Darkwood Buckler – Item – D&D Tools
This nonmagical light wooden shield is made out of darkwood and often favored by rogues and wizards. It has no enhancement bonus, but its construction material makes it lighter than a normal wooden shield. It weighs 2-1/2 pounds and has no armor check penalty.
SRD:Darkwood Buckler - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Darkwood Buckler: This nonmagical light wooden shield is made out of darkwood. It has no enhancement bonus, but its construction material makes it lighter than a normal wooden shield. It weighs 2-1/2 pounds and has no armor check penalty. No aura (nonmagical); Price 205 gp.
Forums: Rules Questions: Darkwood Buckler... - Paizo
Mar 9, 2013 · Split the difference. A Darkwood Buckler has all the stats of a Light Shield, but it's treated as a Buckler in determining what actions it interferes with. A Darkwood Shield has all the stats of a Heavy Shield, but it is treated as a Light Shield for action interference.
Darkwood Buckler - imarvintpa.com
This nonmagical light wooden shield is made out of darkwood. It has no enhancement bonus, but its construction material makes it lighter than a normal wooden shield. It weighs 2-1/2 pounds and has no armor check penalty.
Forums: Rules Questions: Darkwood Buckler (not a buckler?)
Jan 24, 2011 · Darkwood Buckler (not a buckler?) 6 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Description: This nonmagical light wooden shield is made out of darkwood. It has no enhancement bonus, but its construction material makes it lighter than a normal wooden shield. It has no armor check penalty. I recently realized that a Darkwood Buckler is not a buckler.