Does anyone remember that Dante is Not / Dante is presentation?
This is a presentation by the outsourced western developer Ninja Theory that was hired by Capcom to reboot the series, which led to the ill fated and absolutely shite DmC:DmC. Which is not canonical. It has nothing to do with the series besides recycling some names.
A Ninja Theory Developer Talking About The Unreleased DmC ... - Reddit
Jan 8, 2021 · It remembers DMC4 in some way, has a more angelical focus and introduces a new family member for dante. Angels in DMC have allways been demons in disguise, Mundus had an angelic look, the fallen in DMC3 as well and the DEMONIC knights of the order in …
'Devil May Cry' Developer Ninja Theory Talks Dante Redesign - Game Rant
Sep 22, 2010 · With the new Devil May Cry, potentially titled DmC, Capcom decided to give their franchise to developer Ninja Theory in hopes that they would not only redesign the look of iconic hero Dante,...
Before Ninja Theory was told to change their design for Dante to ...
Took a hell of a lot of digging through concept arts over the years but this is concept art for Dante from Ninja Theory’s original concepts for the character. I’ll update this comment with an Imgur link to an album that contains their original art for Vergil as well and more concept art
Ninja Theory talks reboot and shows off unseen Dante art
Mar 29, 2013 · When Capcom first approached Ninja Theory for rebooting Devil May Cry, one of the ways they pitched them the project was asking them to, as Taini put it, “Imagine Dante as he was in a western...
Ninja Theory on DMC: "What was cool" in the past "isn't cool
Sep 22, 2010 · Didn't like the new look to Dante in last week's DMC reveal? Don't worry: it's all within reason, according to Capcom and developer Ninja Theory. Ninja Theory creative design boss Tameem...
Eleven Years Later And DmC Is Still The Best In The Series
Jan 15, 2024 · First emerging on the PS2 in 2001, the character action series endures to this day with a selection of classic entries and only a single stinker in its entire ranks. Ninja Theory ’s DmC: Devil May Cry stands among them as one of the greats.
Ninja Theory: Old Dante “isn’t cool anymore” - Gematsu
Sep 22, 2010 · Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades has said that DmC Devil May Cry ‘s new look for Dante is “all about cool” and that the previous Dante design we’ve come to know and love just “isn’t...
Rebuilding Dante in DmC: Devil May Cry - Destructoid
Oct 19, 2012 · Destructoid spoke with Ninja Theory’s Dominic Matthews to talk about the rebuilding of a beloved videogame character, and the perils that come with it.
Ninja Theory Defends Dante Redesign [UPDATED] - The Escapist
Sep 22, 2010 · Feathers were a little ruffled when gamers saw the redesigned Dante for the reboot of the Devil May Cry series, but Ninja Theory’s creative director Tameem Antoniade believes that the redesign...