New Coke & Crystal Pepsi - Factual Questions - Straight Dope
Nov 18, 2002 · Unlike Coke II, Crystal Pepsi was officially discontinued. As for where it is available, the Coke website only says “selected metro areas.” An exhaustive search on Google reveals that Chicago seems to be only identifiable city where it can be found.
Rare amethyst type - Factual Questions - Straight Dope
Feb 9, 2025 · Or he made it up because the rounded crystal habit of the amethyst in that geode is a little more spessartine-like than the points usually associated with geode amethysts. But frog’s-eye spessartine isn’t called that just because of its habit, it’s also the colour:
Publishing a public library's general contact info is doxxing now?
Mar 24, 2025 · But setting that aside for a moment - is it a “call to action” when it is crystal clear that ONE person is being advised to make a call? What if an OP posted that they’d been ripped off at a store, and another poster said, “you should call the Better Business Bureau, here is their contact info”? Is that a call to action?
What happened to lemon flavored Coke & Pepsi? - Straight Dope
Feb 19, 2011 · Remember that Coke and Pepsi are bottled by a network of local / regional bottling companies, which buy the syrup from the parent companies. Even if the local bottler can buy the syrup for Diet Pepsi with Lemon from Pepsico, if the bottler had experienced that it didn’t sell well in their area (or that sales had dropped off), they may choose ...
How has the disgraced, CONVICTED FELON, former but once …
Jan 18, 2025 · Back when I drank colas, pepsi was out of the question. It tasted like gunpower tea strained through beach sand. Irishman January 18, 2025, 11:55pm
Authenticity of counterfeit products - Factual Questions - Straight ...
4 days ago · I recently returned from my first trip to China, where I spent some time in Shanghai. A local colleague showed me around town, including a “fake market” where vendors had stalls and were selling various things. All of them had “the real stuff” behind a hidden wall, such as designer clothes, watches, etc. All of it was dirt cheap and I’m sure are knockoffs, but I was surprised by the ...
"Emil Bove" - The BBQ Pit - Straight Dope Message Board
Feb 15, 2025 · How long is Stephen Miller going to be allowed to double dip like this? What happens when both characters are scheduled to appear together? I’m sure his staff is by now adept at applying the necrotic makeup and decorative prosthetic eyebags. I’m sure they were going for “Roy Cohn” when they designed this character but stopped at Emil Bove. It’s a sign of trump’s dementia that he ...
How can I get Crystal Violet off my skin? - Straight Dope
Dec 8, 2004 · Any lab techs in the house? My index finger has been very effectively purpled, thanks to a mess someone left for me during the microbiology lab exam today. Grabbed the rubber tubing attached to the faucet, and it was absolutely covered in Crystal Violet dye. I couldn’t wash it off right away because I had to finish my Gram stain, so it had plenty of time to soak right into the skin. Washing ...
Robo Cop 2: What is that crystal thingie? - Straight Dope
May 3, 2003 · In Robocop 2, there’s a scene where he goes to find Kane in the sludge factory. Right after his car blows up, he walks in a sort of shrine area. It has the bones of Elvis and something about Mother Theresa. Right after he sees the Elvis bones, he walks past some sort of glass-crystal thing. It’s about as tall as he is.
Should Democratic Senators play nice with Republicans and …
Mar 14, 2025 · Exactly. The Republicans forcing a shut down in the past at least had a chance of forcing concessions because the Democrats actually wanted the government open. If the Democrats shut down the government, Musk and Trump will just sit on their hands, with a smile on their face and a big banner that reads “mission accomplished!”. He will suffer no negative affects. If by chance there is some ...