Native American Star Lore Cree - judy-volker.com
In 2016, the group published a Cree Star Map. Click on the picture to the right for a larger image. In Cree mythology, some constellations have different meanings, depending on which story is told.
Cree Star Map - Manitoba First Nations Education Resource
36 x 36 inches (91.44cm x 91.44cm) Please note, we currently do not accept drop-in purchases. MFNERC provides resources free of charge to our affiliated members. We also offer discounts on resources to First Nations educators working in Manitoba. Please contact us for approval.
First Nations Astronomy - seeing the Cree and Ojibway Sky
Oct 9, 2009 · First Nations used stars to find their way, determine a sense of time, and associated the constellations in their stories. This is a link to a First Nations Star Chart. Astronomer, Jane Houston Jones, shares Cree and Ojibway sky stories here.
Ininiw Acakosuk: the Cree stars | Canadian Geographic
Oct 16, 2024 · But here, on the Cree star map, the stars known as the Big Dipper, for example, have many acimowinuk (narratives) attached to them. Sometimes these acimowinuk refer specifically to the main dipper stars, and sometimes they are included in …
Star Lore Native Skywatchers - judy-volker.com
Using the material mentioned above, I have put together short constellation guides for the Cree, Dakota & Lakota and Ojibwe. (Click the links). The images below are cutouts of the large copies of the complete maps, which are shown at the end of this presentation.
Resources - Native Skywatchers
Cree Star Map Book. See the night sky through an Ininew (Cree) cultural lens...Mista Muskwa-Bear, Pipon Pinisew-Thunderbird, Makinak-Turtle and more! Get More Info
STAR MAPS 2012 – ANNETTE S. LEE | Artist-Astronomer
“Makoċe Wiċaŋḣpi Wowapi – D(L)akota Star Map”, a Native Skywatchers star map created by Annette S. Lee, language by Jim Rock, ©2012
Star Lore of the Cree | I-Portal: Indigenous Studies Portal
Cree Star Map Includes stories about stars and constellations such as the Sweat Lodge, the Great Bear Hunt, the Dog Stars, and Kokominakasis. Related resource: Cree Star Map
ININIW ACAKOSUK (the CREE STARS) Elder Wiifred Buck, Opaskwayak Cree Nation INtNlW ACAKOSUK will focus on astronomy from an Indigenous perspective generally and Cree Astronomy specifically.
Stellarium Web Online Star Map
3 days ago · Stellarium Web is a planetarium running in your web browser. It shows a realistic star map, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.