"Good bye", "Bye", "Bye bye" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Sep 6, 2010 · Using the word "bye" on it's own we will draw out the final "e" into almost its own syllable, like: by-eee, in sing-song fashion. Whereas at the end of "goodbye" it is clipped, like: good-by. I agree that "bye bye" is either baby talk or ironic, and if used incorrectly would be perceived as insulting; if you're unsure, don't use it. –
Goodbye or good-bye? - WordReference Forums
May 10, 2006 · I believe that good-bye is an older usage. The tendency (at least in the American writing an editing profession) has been to eliminate hyphens when they don't add clarity or meaning. The tendency (at least in the American writing an editing profession) has been to eliminate hyphens when they don't add clarity or meaning.
etymology - What is the origin of the word "goodbye"? - English ...
The OED also says that this is a contracted form of "God be with you", and explains the God-to-good transition thusly (emphasis mine): A contraction of the phrase God be with you (or ye); see GOD n. 8. The substitution of good- for God may have been due to association with such formulas of leave-taking as good day, good night, etc.
goodbye, farewell, so long | WordReference Forums
Jul 27, 2007 · Good-bye, which is derived, I think, from God by ye - God be with you (to protect you and bring you good fortune, implied), is said much more often in BE, when you leave someone, even someone you know you may see again very soon.
"Good night" or "good evening"? - English Language & Usage …
Feb 18, 2011 · Wonder if the meaning is different based on dialect. I've never heard Good Evening used as a way to say goodbye. In my experience, Good Morning is a hello, Good Afternoon is a hello, Good Evening is a hello, Good Day is a goodbye and Good Night is a goodbye. Good Day I've heard more often in the dismissal tone though, unless "Have a" comes ...
Different ways to say you are leaving work for the day
Jul 25, 2015 · Let me call it a day! Good evening (or night, depending on time)!| I'm leaving! Enjoy the rest of the day (if time is left of the workday) May I leave? (asking permission, if allowed to leave early). (Good)bye! I'm all done; heading home. Bye! You can be creative, but you don't want to sound 'outlandish', for sure!
What term is used for the closing of a letter?
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Origin of "good night" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
good-bye also goodbye, good bye, good-by, 1590s, from godbwye (1570s), itself a contraction of God be with ye (late 14c.), influenced by good day, good evening, etc. might seem like another possible explanation of "good", but the mention that good bye is influenced by good day and good evening immplies that these were already established, which ...
Tschüs - Alternatives in Bavarian and Austrian German
Mar 24, 2009 · About 'Tschuess', I seem to recall that this form of saying 'Good Bye' would flow over lips of people in the 'Eifel' region in a very melodic way, almost seductive. But, I wanted to comment on another form of parting namly: 'Pfüat di/euch". I recall it sounding like 'Pfueat'di/e'. And, the meaning I recall is: 'Behuet Dich Gott'-Behuet Euch Gott
papa/baba = good-bye - WordReference Forums
Aug 16, 2009 · The farewell still is widely used and even gaining domains: while once it was only used by very young children (and to say good bye to them) it is now even used adults to say goodbye to each other - especially in Vienna and some provincial towns this isn't a children's farewell anymore.