Boman Irani's directorial debut 'The Mehta Boys' is all set to be out on OTT. Avinash Tiwary, Shreya Chaudhry, and Puja Sarup will be seen in the lead roles along with Boman Irani. As per the makers, ...
With the caption "48 hours 2 people 1 epic story #TheMehtaBoysOnPrime, Feb 7," Boman Irani expressed his enthusiasm for the ...
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Prime Video announced February 7 as the premiere date for its critically acclaimed upcoming Original movie The Mehta Boys. Produced by Boman Irani, Danesh Irani, Vikesh Bhutani, and Shujaat Saudagar ...
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Boman Irani steps into the director's chair with 'The Mehta Boys,' a film exploring a father-son relationship. Following its ...
Boman Irani's directorial debut, The Mehta Boys, starring Avinash Tiwary, set to be releasd on OTT on this date.