This was the case with actor Kyriana Kratter while filming episode 6, "Zero Friends Again," of the latest Star Wars Disney+ original show Skeleton Crew. "My whole life, people have said ...
This week's penultimate episode of the latest Disney+ Star Wars series, Skeleton Crew, is now streaming, and the closing credits reveal which actor has been cast as the show's most mysterious ...
It comes to life in Jude Law’s monumental performance. If Jude Law’s run on Skeleton Crew reminds me of any other actor’s turn in the Star Wars universe, it’s Sir Alec Guinness himself.
Star Wars: Skeleton Crew 's creators have revealed that they're "dreaming" of making a second season, but it's looking likely that the show won't return for another outing.
Skeleton Crew. Matt Kennedy/Lucasfilm/Disney+ Jod has to look after the kids until he doesn’t. Did Jude also serve a paternal role with all of you young actors? Yeah, when we were on set ...
Shortly afterward, the end credits roll out and confirm the actor behind The Supervisor to be Stephen Fry. Despite the said revelation, Skeleton Crew has yet to shed light on The Supervisor’s ...
There may be good reason why Skeleton Crew wasn't so lucky. The female-focused cast of The Acolyte led to it courting controversy before it had even launched. It led to the show being branded woke ...
The Star Wars: Skeleton Crew cast may return to the franchise soon. However, their rumored next appearance may not be what fans expect. Jake Lloyd, The Phantom Menace’s young Anakin Skywalker ...
The ships gathered around the pirate port seen early in Skeleton Crew included a nod to a legendary Star Wars designer.