El gobierno de Estados Unidos no realiza persecución a las empresas que contratan trabajadores que están en el país de manera ...
The United States and Mexico have long been entangled in a complex web of issues, with President Donald Trump often pointing ...
A majority of the justices seemed to question Mexico’s claim that it could prove a direct chain linking arms manufacturers to ...
In a historic case, the Supreme Court is considering whether American gun manufacturers can be held liable for gun violence in Mexico.
Attorneys for the gun industry argued that, under Mexico's theory, Budweiser would be liable for every accident caused by an underage drinker.
Mexico argues it should be allowed to sue American gunmakers for their weapons being smuggled into the country and used by ...
The U.S. Supreme Court will decide if Mexico can sue U.S. gunmakers for damages. Most of the justices, liberal and ...
The Supreme Court is considering the Mexican government's effort to hold U.S. gun companies accountable for violence ...
The Supreme Court gravitated toward the American firearm industry Tuesday in its fight to end a $10 billion lawsuit brought ...
The US Supreme Court’s justices Tuesday grilled the Mexican government over whether it should be allowed to pursue its $10 billion lawsuit against US gun manufacturers for allegedly helping to arm ...
The Supreme Court hears arguments in Mexico’s lawsuit against U.S. gunmakers on whether a 2005 law allows the foreign nation to bring such lawsuits.