Peacocks, which roam freely in some Northwest Side neighborhoods, could get city-level protection from capture and relocation ...
Elaine Clarke took this photo of a Red-tailed Hawk just after it launched itself from off its perch on a power line.
The King Solomon dwarf perch is a sex changer. They are all female from birth. If two are put together, the stronger animal becomes the male and changes its color and fin shape accordingly.
As with so many other birds, the male’s tail is longer than the female’s and she’s duller ... then comes back to its perch.
The boys’ soccer game with the female head coach. Meet Laurie Hendrickson ... suspect would be a high school coach in a ...
Unlike courtship displays of other pigeons, this bird's display took place on a branch or other perch; the male made a "keck" call while near a female, gripped his perch tightly, and vigorously ...
Female bass fresh off spawning beds, for instance, will often turn on their young hatchlings (known as fry) and eat them. The male bass ... while goby, perch, and smelt are the more typical ...
From a perch in vegetation a courting male attracts receptive females by rubbing his tegmina together to produce a calling song. When a female approaches, he either drops to the ground to meet her or ...
Because most bowerbirds are polygynous, meaning one male is the mate ... Back on his perch, he speeds up his song—a signal that he's spotted a female. But so have other nearby males, which ...
Males have large claws on their flippers and tail, and use these to attach themselves to the shell of the female. Other males attempt to knock a successful paramour off his perch, jousting and ...
In a decline not seen since the DDT era, the spectacular raptors have noticeably decreased in numbers over the past two years ...
Moreover, like the civilian administration before it, the military government resisted removing violence against women in the family from its perch of ... officers, male and female, while they ...