Lawmakers in several states have introduced resolutions calling for the nation's highest court to overturn "Obergefell vs. Hodges." ...
The North Dakota House of Representatives has passed a resolution calling on the Supreme Court to overturn its decision in ...
Republican voters will caucus in Idaho and Missouri on Saturday, and in North Dakota on Monday. And from Friday to Sunday, GOP voters in the heavily Democratic nation’s capital will choose their ...
A Michigan Republican introduced a resolution Tuesday urging the Supreme Court to reverse its 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges same-sex marriage ruling.
According to the National Weather Service, wind chills as low as 55 degrees below zero could affect more than a million people in Montana, as well as in North and South Dakota. Areas of Idaho are ...
The Space Weather Prediction Center has predicted homeowners in Alaska, Washington, Idaho, North Dakota, and Montana, may get to glimpse the dazzling phenomenon on Friday and Saturday. It is also ...
But North Dakota’s economy was dinged by the fall in energy prices and has not yet returned to its 2014 peak. North Dakota dropped 24 spots overall in the Best States rankings since taking the ...
Three men physically removed her. Police confirmed the organizers hired Lear Asset Management security; the city has since ...
The ACLU of North Dakota says reports of ICE activity near the Fort Berthold Reservation have raised concerns about mistaken arrests.