My Argentine Heart” is set to premiere on the Hallmark Channel on Saturday, January 18 (1/18/2025) at 8 p.m. ET. A live stream of the movie can be found on Philo (free trial), FrndlyTV (free trial), ...
Here's how to watch the latest new Hallmark film of 2025, "My Argentine Heart," for free online if you don't have cable.
The life of Elvis Presley is a source of many books, TV shows, and movies. The latest production by the Riverside Center For The Performing Arts, “Heartbreak Hotel” is a portrait of the late singer’s ...
A 10th anniversary screening of 'Selma,' Richard Linklater's 'Waking Life,' the Australian 'Muriel's Wedding' in 35mm and ...
Lynch was far more revered in Europe than in America, but he was a particularly American artist. Like one of his idols, Elvis ...