Actors of the Slovak National Theatre's (SND) Drama Stage held a news conference on Friday to deny claims by Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova (SNS nominee), suggesting that the theatre must cancel ...
Health Minister Zuzana Dolinková (Voice-SD) bears full responsibility for the health sector and must come up with recovery measures, said Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) on Friday, adding that he cannot ...
The main indicator of unemployment, the proportion of available job-seekers of productive age, decreased by 0.01 percent from July to stand at 3.87 percent in August 2024, the Labour, Social Affairs ...
Slovakia will receive €1 billion of the €10-billion package from EU cohesion funds to deal with the consequences of the recent floods, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD), who attended on Thursday ...
Several systemic and effective measures are needed to cope with extreme weather events, the Climate Coalition told TASR on Friday, adding that the key is to prioritise solutions close to nature, which ...
The government's plans to cut funding in the health-care sector as part of its 2025 consolidation package could lead to collapse of the entire sector, Association of Slovak Hospitals (ANS) head Marian ...
Opposition MPs in Parliament criticised Prosecutor-General Maros Zilinka, who on Friday presented a report on the activities of the prosecutor's office for the past year. The coalition, on the ...
There's a danger that gas prices may go up by as much as 30 percent next year, while no funds have been allocated from the state budget for energy subsidies, MP for the opposition Freedom and ...
Hua Hin 21. septembra (TASR) - Slovenská tenistka Rebecca Šramková sa po týždni opäť prebojovala do finále dvojhry na okruhu WTA. V semifinále turnaja v thajskom meste Hua Hin vyhrala v sobotu nad ...
La Seu d´Urgell 21. septembra (TASR) - Austrálska vodná slalomárka Jessica Foxová obhájila celkový triumf v C1 vo Svetovom pohári. Post líderky seriálu potvrdila prvenstvom na záverečnom podujatí seri ...
Košice 21. septembra (TASR) - Slávnostným sprievodom múzejníkov, hercov v dobových kostýmoch a verejnosti, na čele s mladomanželmi v starodávnom oblečení, oslávia v sobotu popoludní v Košiciach 330. v ...
Košice 21. septembra (TASR) - Polícia vyšetruje obzvlášť závažný zločin vraždy v Košiciach. Telo ženy bez známok života s bodným zranením našli v sobotu ráno. Ako TASR informovala hovorkyňa Krajského ...