Dear Jew in the City, I was angered to read the updated Wikipedia definition of Zionism. They write that it “is an ethno-cultural nationalist movement that emerged in Europe in the late 19th century ...
Years ago, I was sitting innocently on a bus with Tanach (Bible) in hand when a man began to educate me on what he saw as the Bible’s mistakes. He believed Saul, the first king of Israel, was cheated: ...
I have to be honest that, when I first saw your question, I questioned the accuracy of your premise. Based on the past five months’ worth of social media, I would say that most people’s reactions to ...
When picturing an Orthodox Jewish woman, most people conjure up an image of a lady carrying a baby, not a gun. But for Ariella Loew, it seemed like there was no reason she couldn’t do both! Loew grew ...
When we set out to build a Hollywood Bureau for Jews in 2021, the idea was to do the same programs that every other Hollywood Bureau was doing for decades: academic entertainment studies to show the ...
Elul is known as the period when “the King is in the field.” Both in our tefillot (prayers) and mitzvot (commandments), Hashem is tangibly closer to us. The Shechina (God’s presence) is stronger, the ...
Dear Jew in the City, You recently published an article disproving some of the negative things that people claim are in the Talmud. Can you please share some of the positive things that are in it?
Late Saturday night, the world received dreaded news – six Jewish hostages taken by Hamas on October 7 had been executed by the terror organization shortly before ...
Thanks for your question. First let’s discuss the general topic of misinformation and disinformation. There are a lot of ways that a message can get garbled. Sometimes things are lost in translation.
(Editor’s Note: While this article was written years before October 7, its words ring truer than ever. The Jewish people are experiencing the worse calamity in our lifetimes and even as we heal, we ...
I got the idea for this game based on a parable a friend once told me that went like this: If a beautiful object is reflected into a mirror, the mirror can’t say that it (the mirror) doesn’t look ...