Vyriausybei ruošiantis keisti kai kuriuos mokesčius, premjeras Gintautas Paluckas sako, kad mokesčių didinimas turėtų būti ...
Lithuania has announced plans to enhance security measures around its power grids with Poland in preparation for next month's ...
Lithuania’s government says it will boost security on its power grids with Poland ahead of planned decoupling from the ...
Lithuania said on Wednesday it has ramped up security around the country's electricity link with Poland ahead of a planned ...
Lithuania has increased security around its electricity link with Poland in anticipation of the planned decoupling of the ...
Mr. ISHIBA Shigeru, Prime Minister of Japan, sent a congratulatory letter to H.E. Mr. Gintautas PALUCKAS on his appointment as Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania. In the letter, Prime ...
Vyriausybei ketinant sušvelninti draudimą lėktuvais eksportuoti dvejopos paskirties prekes į trečiąsias šalis siekiant, kad ...
Premjeras Gintautas Paluckas sako, kad Lietuva turėtų trauktis iš priešpėstines minas draudžiančios Otavos konvencijos, tuo ...
Premjeras socialdemokratas Gintautas Paluckas nėra pajėgus išspręsti valdančiojoje koalicijoje susidariusią situaciją, sako ...
Prezidentui Gitanui Nausėdai paraginus premjerą reikalauti iš įtampas koalicijoje keliančio „Nemuno aušros“ lyderio Remigijaus Žemaitaičio „tam ...
VILNIUS - As Lithuania's previous government banned the export of dual-purpose goods to third countries, except for 10 countries, from January, Prime Minister Gintautas Paluckas calls the restrictions ...
Lithuania said Wednesday that it would bring forward increased security of a key electricity cable linking it to neighbouring Poland, citing the potential for sabotage.