By his own admission, he has been ‘doxxed, abused, hounded, smeared’ – now, the former GB News presenter and cancel-culture martyr has found a new way to get himself talked about, says Alan Rusbridger ...
It is time to catch up with the Rev Calvin Robinson. You remember him ... I hope so, because it wasn’t long before Calvin jettisoned the NCC and moved to Michigan, US, to be priest in charge of an ...
A Michigan priest had his license revoked by the Anglican Catholic Church after he made a gesture that "many have interpreted as a pro-Nazi salute" while speaking at the National Pro-Life Summit in ...
From Nazi salutes to anti-immigrant conspiracies, ideas once on the fringes are at the beating heart of the political ...
From Nazi salutes to anti-immigrant conspiracies, ideas once on the fringes are at the beating heart of the political discourse. Remember the “alt-right”? Way back in the two-thousand-and ...
(JTA) — Remember the “alt-right”? Way back in the two-thousand-and-teens, the loose coalition of white nationalists, neo-Nazi pranksters and anti-immigrant extremists was more likely to be ...
Charlotte Cravins, left, attends an event with her husband, Calvin Bell, and their children, infant son Landry Bell and daughter Lyric Bell. Landry was born with Down syndrome and is blind in one eye.
And because Calvin is located in a historically Dutch-American region, you'll find plenty of connections to Dutch community, history, and culture. A Netherlandic studies minor complements any major, ...