Quantum computers have the potential of outperforming classical computers on some optimization and computational tasks.
One of the key goals within the field of quantum computing is to achieve what is known as a quantum advantage. This term ...
Quantum computing remains something of a holy grail in the world of technology: It promises a huge leap in computing power, ...
One that should be easiest to solve involves modeling the behavior of some simple catalysts. The electrons of these catalysts ...
Canadian company Xanadu has developed the world's first scalable, networked photonic quantum computer prototype.
An algorithm inspired by quantum computers but used on classical machines can make weather forecasts and other turbulence ...
Advances like these lead me to believe that useful quantum computing is inevitable and increasingly imminent. And that’s good ...
This article was published by IBN, a multifaceted communications organization engaged in connecting public companies to the ...
Quantum computing has been on the horizon for what feels like decades. But with the explosion of artificial intelligence (AI) ...
One of these companies' quantum platforms can complete calculations in minutes that would take today's supercomputers longer ...
The country's biggest institutions are working on an emerging risk to the security of digital assets and critical ...
Also last month, the San Francisco-based quantum startup BlueQubit Inc. closed on $10 million in funding, shortly after ...