Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, send it to ...
There would be no bright and colorful fireworks without rocks and minerals. A firework is produced by launching a shell containing fuel and a color mix high into the air, where it explodes.
Rocks close rockA rock is a solid material made of minerals. on Earth do not always stay the same. Find out more about the different rock types in this guide. Look at the diagram to get a better ...
An "amazing" new type of mineral has been discovered by scientists analysing a rock mined in Cornwall about 220 years ago. The dark green mineral has been named kernowite after Kernow, the Cornish ...
David Bressan is a geologist who covers curiosities about Earth. Rocks and minerals contribute essential raw materials for any civilization, and in a technological society minerals (and the rare ...