Investigators compared the outcomes of patients with type 2 diabetes who continued versus stopped metformin after progressing to stage 4 chronic kidney disease.
Living kidney donors with discordant kidney function measures had lower eGFR after donation and a higher risk for eGFR counts ...
Sotagliflozin, a drug recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat type 2 diabetes and kidney disease with additional cardiovascular risk factors, can significantly reduce heart ...
Obinutuzumab B-cell depleting therapy is more effective than standard care in treating patients with active proliferative lupus nephritis.
About 90% of U.S. adults meet the criteria for a newly recognized syndrome that comes from a combination of heart disease, ...
• Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1) (medicines used to lower blood glucose) probably reduce the risk of death due to any cause but may have little or no death due to a heart attack in ...
Five regions in the U.S. have been selected to implement a new preventive health initiative to improve care for people with a cluster of chronic conditions known as cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic ...
Cauliflower brings the crunch, paired with plenty of vitamins C, B6, B9 and K, along with fiber. It also contains compounds your body can use to neutralize certain toxins, a big help when your kidneys ...
The deaths are also partly the result of medical successes: People are living longer, and more people are surviving heart ...
In the initial publication in 2021, the KETYNOTE-564 trial demonstrated that adjuvant pembrolizumab was associated with significantly longer disease-free survival than placebo (24 months: 77% vs. 68%; ...