Thor experiences an evolution of character & leadership development throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe and explores his discovery.
Mjolnir becomes a "smart hammer" with new powers to alert Thor about emergencies and control his new ride. Thor is embracing technology as his origin and mission are corrupted by the Minotaur.
The Power Stone wielder infuses Mjolnir with infinite power, making it so powerful that it shatters Thor's wrist when he calls it back. Mjolnir's enchantment extends to inanimate objects thanks to ...
This is primarily because players would need to learn the effect of Thor's abilities and how they interact ... combos by chaining together different powers. Fortunately, the game provides a ...
which allows Storm to use her lightning powers effectively, dishing out powerful AOE damage while Thor takes the heavy lifting. Combining Thor's durability and Storm's ranged attack abilities ...