The boll weevil nearly wiped out North Carolina’s cotton crop in the 1920s. It was finally eradicated in 1980. A surveillance program by the nonprofit Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation of North ...
For the first time in at least 40 years, the Enterprise State Boll Weevils' baseball team find themselves ranked nationally.
ENTERPRISE, Ala. (WTVY) - The Enterprise State Boll Weevils are off to a fantastic start to their 2025 baseball season, and ...
Delta has grown from a crop duster to Atlanta’s largest private employer and the nation’s most profitable airline.
The two Opp football standouts will head to the collegiate level, with Hightower off to West Alabama and Crittenden going to Peru State in Arkansas. Despite the previous success, this is a young ...
In addition to their recently announced show with Dillinger Four and the Bollweevils, Naked Raygun has added another show, set to take place the same day. The second show will feature The Bollweevils, ...
The Boll Weevils regained the lead over the next seven minutes, until a layup from Jones at the 9:26 mark put the Tigers ahead, 18-17. Nikk Williams then scored five consecutive points to give ECU ...