Commercial beekeepers in Texas have lost about two thirds of their honey bees since June last year, according to a recent survey. Audio recording is automated for accessibility. Humans wrote and ...
Local beekeepers are keeping an eye on the massive colony losses in the state. They're not too concerned of colony loss in the area, but it is on their radar as the loss of bee affects the vegetation.
Since June, commercial beekeepers in Texas have lost about two thirds of their bee colonies on average, according to a survey published last month that was administered by Project Apis m., a honey bee ...
The colony collapses have impacted even some of the largest honey bee outfits in Texas, hurting their revenue and ability to provide enough bees to their partners in California for almond pollination.
It's typical for the Wheelers’ Frio Country Farms to lose about half of their bees each year. But last year, that trend ...