It’s rare to see Goku in anything other than his iconic gi, but on those occasions, he proves he can be a true fashion icon.
Would This New Form Be Super Saiyan 5? Super Saiyan has technically gone far beyond five different variations if you count all of the god forms seen later with Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan ...
From the time Goku first became a Super Saiyan in the Namek Saga to the arrival of the sagas such as Kaioken Form and, more recently, God Form and Ultra Instinct, each of the forms has contributed ...
Dubbed “Ultra Ego,” the form gives Vegeta purple hair and a visage that makes him look somewhat like his Super Saiyan 3 aesthetic. Despite appearing in the manga, Ultra Ego has yet to be ...
As one of the more popular fan characters in Dragon Ball, Trunks has had a wide range of forms, outfits, and appearances.