If you've ever taken the Route 36 trolley through Southwest Philadelphia, you may have heard about what many fondly call ...
Williams, 26 year veteran of SEPTA, uses her trolley route to spread life affirming and motivational messages to the ...
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -- If you've ever taken the Route 36 trolley through Southwest Philadelphia, you've probably heard about Tracy's Trolley. Tracy Holmes-Williams is a 26-year SEPTA ...
SEPTA has been trumpeting this for months ... Woodland Avenue and Darby Main Street Trolley Route 36 T5 13th and Market to Eastwick via subway, Woodland Avenue, Lindbergh Boulevard, Elmwood ...
Routes 10, 11, 13, 34, and 36 will collectively become the T. Since the Route 15 Trolley doesn’t go into Center City, SEPTA gave this line a separate letter, G, for Girard Avenue. The historic ...