A Lake City man is facing charges in multiple counties after being found with a stolen vehicle and several drugs. Alachua ...
Lemurs are primates found only on the African island of Madagascar and some tiny neighboring islands. Because of its geographic isolation, Madagascar is home to many amazing animals found nowhere ...
from the tiny Madame Berthe’s Mouse Lemur (the smallest primate in the world, weighing 30 grams) to red-fronted lemurs, ...
The N.C. Zoo, outside Asheboro, also has lemurs. The park is home to the red-ruffed (Varecia rubra) species, which are the largest of the lemurs. They too are critically endangered. They can be ...
SINGAPORE: Singaporeans have had a lot to say after the photo of a woman allowing a lemur to drink from her soft drink can at the Singapore Zoo went viral onlin ...
They also retain derived traits common to most prosimian primates. For example: Toothcomb, which is the front mandibular (lower jaw) teeth of ring-tailed lemurs form a "toothcomb". This comb consists ...