With honey bees facing multiple threats, Jessy O'Keefe looks to give the valuable insects a helping hand one hive at a time.
A recent survey found an average loss of 62% of bee colonies among commercial operations in less than a year. Causes and ...
Kelly and Kevin Parker raise bees on their hobby farm near Perley. (BEHIND) Honeybees cluster on a honeycomb. Red River Valley Beekeepers’ Lisa Burns introduces young students to the lore of honeybees ...
The Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary is hosting several backyard beekeeping classes, hoping to find new beekeeping ...
“Swarms happen when bees want to reproduce and they become overcrowded in the colony or hive they’re in,” Mountain View resident, recent college graduate and avid apiarist Mateo Kaiser sai ...
A staggering loss of bee deaths nationwide could trigger a spike in hive thefts, authorities say, as the demand for healthy and hard-working bees reaches its peak in California’s almond country.