A group of biology students at the University of Louisville was awed after a research project led to the unexpected discovery of a rare beetle that hadn't been seen in almost 100 years.
Dr. Nick Royle of the University of Exeter, who led the study with Ph.D. researcher Brogan Pett, said, "Blue ground beetles are one of the largest and rarest species of ground beetle in the UK ...
The chocolate industry's insatiable demand for cocoa is pushing the Goliath beetle to the brink of extinction.
Here are nine of the strangest... This Argentinian rove beetle is so rare it was named twice. The first name comes from Charles Darwin (who collected the first specimen in 1832). The second is in ...
Hebmullers are some of the rarest custom-bodied Volkswagens ever made, and they fetch big money. To our eye, though, they still look an awful lot like a Beetle. The one that really sets our fires ...
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Stag beetle populations are declining across much of Europe, but did you know London and the surrounding Thames Valley area are hotspots for this magnificent, rare beetle? Max Barclay, Senior Curator ...
A rare beetle that glitters like gold. Consuming it increases the weight one can carry by 0.15 kg. The Arisen's main pawn can also receive the same effect. Powered by The Golden Trove Beetle is an ...
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.— Conservation groups sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today to push the agency to protect endangered Miami tiger beetles by designating lifesaving critical habitat. The ...
These beetles require specific habitat conditions in loamy soils within native grasslands of the rare coastal terrace prairie — sites often sought after by developers for building homes with views of ...