Ramses II’s father, Seti I, provided his son with a large harem when the boy was 8 years old ... and later wed the daughter of a Hittite king. Ramses II remains as well the figurehead, an ...
Dr Nielsen’s findings - published in the journal Antiquity – contradict the commonly held view that Ramses the Great was waging - and ... the Hittites - the Egyptians’ foes- tricked the young king ...
The Egyptian expedition working on the groundwater treatment project at the Kom Ombo Temple in Aswan discovered parts of a statue of King Ramses II. The discovered head showed King Ramses II ...
Ramses II (the Great) was one of the most prolific builders of ancient Egypt. Hardly a site exists that he did not initiate, add to, complete, or build entirely himself. Some of the greatest ...
During Egypt's New Kingdom (1539-1075 B.C.), the valley became a royal burial ground for pharaohs such as Tutankhamun, Seti I, and Ramses II ... masks found with King Tut—are dazzling, but ...
(photo credit: O'SHI. Via Shutterstock) On Saturday, sun’s alignment with the face of King Ramses II at the Abu Simbel Temple was obscured due to heavy clouds and weather fluctuations that ...
Wilkinson notes that there had long been an Egyptian literary trope of a sage king overriding the advice of timid or inept counselors and then charging on to victory. Ramesses II, however, castigated ...