Use our comparison tool to look at this model side-by-side with other vehicles or view the full specifications list . The 1993 Suzuki Samurai is available in 2 trim levels: ...
For now, it seems American fans of the Suzuki Samurai are stuck to either lust after new models of the vehicle from afar ...
Like our old Monty, the Jimny has an absurdly short ... Unlike the last-generation of Jimny sold here (known as the Suzuki Samurai), modern electronics like stability control and ABS are ...
In the leadup to the event, Suzuki got a new samurai sword, which he opted to ... 824 OPS. The 30-year-old has averaged 23 home runs, 34 doubles, six triples, 82 RBIs, 13 stolen bases and a ...
Chicago is preparing for the Tokyo Series against the Los Angeles Dodgers.. The Chicago Cubs have had a rough go of it since their mid-2010s success. Since making the NLCS every year from 2015-2017, ...
Chicago Cubs star outfielder Seiya Suzuki returns to Japan and goes to batting practice using a samurai sword.
Seiya Suzuki takes batting practice with a samurai sword ahead of the Cubs-Dodgers Tokyo Series.
Watch as Chicago Cubs outfielder Seiya Suzuki slices baseballs in half as he practices his swing with a samurai sword.