In the past three years, astronomers have discovered a mysterious new type of radio source. We call these long-period ...
In 2015, astrophysicists discovered a system consisting of two compact stars orbiting each other: a pulsar (i.e., a highly ...
A breakthrough simulation reveals how magnetars form and evolve, solving a key mystery about their magnetic origins.
Astronomers say they have traced a mysterious pulsing in the Milky Way to a surprising source: a dead star locked in a dance ...
Neutron stars can have a resounding impact around the universe. Scientists recently announced the first detection of gravitational waves created by two neutron stars smashing into each other.
Moreover, even those quarks (the up and down that comprise a neutron) get compressed into an even rarer type of quark called a strange quark—hence the name strange star. Technically, the "strange" ...
A white dwarf and a red dwarf star have been discovered closely orbiting each other emitting radio pulses every two hours.
Magnetars are a class of neutron stars with the strongest magnetic fields in the Universe. These incredibly dense objects are central in the landscape of extreme phenomena such as hypernovae, fast ...
Neutron star "mountains" would be much more massive than any on Earth—so massive that gravity just from these mountains could produce small oscillations, or ripples, in the fabric of space and time.
"If a massive star were to explode as a supernova close to the Earth, the results would be devastating for life on Earth," said Nick Wright, an astrophysicist at Keele University in the United Kingdom ...