This is roughly the distance from Tokyo to Hong Kong, a journey a renowned haiku poet covered on foot in approximately five months over 300 years ago. That poet was Matsuo Bashō, and the ...
Have students write haiku poems about something they feel connected to nature (as Basho did) during independent writing. Have students self assess their poems by comparing them to the criteria on the ...
He also published a haiku collection, Winter Days ... “Stricken while journeying/my dreams still wander about/but on withered fields.” Bibliography “Matsuo Basho.” Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2nd ...
Readers are invited to compose haiku related to this translation of a starting verse (hokku) penned by Matsuo Basho: piercing the silence penetrating the rocks the cicadas’ trilling. Mail your ...
KYOTO--Fukuda Art Museum in Kyoto’s Ukyo Ward announced on May 24 that it had purchased the long-missing illustrated scroll of a travelogue by the poet Matsuo ... the haiku that Basho wrote ...
Four years ago, the Kyoto National Museum reinstituted its annual series foregrounding the Chinese zodiac animals. It now celebrates China’s Year of the Pig — Japan’s Year of the Boar (inoshishi).