However, tradition places him at Rome, but one more tradition also has him located at Alexandria, and it may be the case that the story that we call Mark's gospel, which supposedly derived from ...
The black-and-white thinking in our politics brings to mind a skill that the state of Texas requires me to teach my college ...
In the gospel of Mark there is a profound scene where Jesus calls four of his apostles. This scene is the essence of what ...
An extraordinary solo performance bringing the Gospel of Mark to life is set to take place at Bergh Apton Church in South ...
This is one of the most dramatic events recorded in Mark’s Gospel and reveals the true identity of Jesus. The word ‘transfigure’ means to change or be transformed. In this event Jesus ...
To try to combat this misconception, Jesus touched the man when healing him. This is the only time in Mark’s Gospel where Jesus heals out of pity, showing great compassion by touching the leper.
The gospel of Mark is the second to appear in the New Testament, but most scholars now agree that it was composed first. While the work is attributed to "Mark," we will probably never know the ...