The study—led by Brad Martin, a Flinders University Ph.D. candidate, with colleagues from Flinders' College of Science and ...
Black bream swim among Pacific oyster reefs in Port River. Photo: Brad Martin.The introduction of exotic species can pose ...
in Singapore and James Cook University in Australia, assessed the potential for emissions reductions through conserving and ...
A separate study led by Sigit Sasmito, a researcher at James Cook University in Australia, shows that conserving and restoring Southeast Asia’s mangroves and peatlands could halve the region’s ...
Scientists from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and James Cook University in Australia also contributed to the study. Mangroves can store up to five times as much carbon as tropical ...
The introduction of exotic species can pose significant challenges in the sustainable management of coastal ecosystems, yet ...
"This demonstrates that in high densities, Pacific oysters can modify ecological communities when introduced into mangrove-dominated estuaries," says Mr Martin. "Given that South Australia ...