Listeners swayed as the celebrated Malian duo Amadou and Mariam sang from a stage on the banks of the Niger River at an annual festival coloured this year by political shifts roiling West Africa.
Mali and its neighbours have for more than a decade battled militant groups allied to Islamic State and al-Qaeda while ...
ARTS SCENE THREATENED Mali is a renowned hub of culture in the region, having hosted several important festivals on the international arts circuit. "Mali is a global cultural powerhouse," said the ...
People cannot go to Mali's Dogon region to witness its spectacular ancient culture, so the Dogons brought their dancing, wrestling and architecture to the Sahel nation's capital. The central ...
FILE PHOTO: Artists wearing Dogon masks, central to the culture and traditions of the Dogon people, who live mainly in Mali, perform at the Festival sur le Niger, also known as Segou'Art, in Segou ...