Luffy's actions in liberating kingdoms and fighting in wars make him a hero in One Piece. Being a hero in the series is subjective, with differing perspectives on characters' heroic qualities ...
Throughout the anime's many sagas, the story reveals that Luffy's father is Revolutionary Army Supreme Commander Monkey D. Dragon and his grandfather is Marine hero Monkey D. Garp. But when it ...
Luffy's dream of becoming the Pirate King drives most events in One Piece, tied to finding the One Piece and ultimate freedom. A deeper dream may include starting a revolution in One Piece ...
Ça y est ! L'anime One Piece est bientôt là, vous retrouverez vite Luffy et son équipage. On peut même vous dire que vous en ...
En faisant ceci, cela lui permettra de devenir… Des propos coupés de la même manière que ceux de de Luffy concernant son rêve. Mais c’est la même réaction qui attend Roger : Oden est ...
Luffy on Skypiea. One Piece Teases Loki Could Have Lightning Abilities Like Enel Despite being introduced multiple chapters ago and being spoken about time and time again, Loki’s abilities are ...
Given the series' pattern of former antagonists becoming allies, this could be laying the groundwork for Loki to eventually join forces with Luffy in the future. The tallest known normal giant ...
Parmi les personnages les plus populaires de One Piece, impossible de ne pas citer Luffy, Zoro ou encore Sanji. L'Equipage du Chapeau de Paille ...