King And Queen never fought Luffy during the Raid on Onigashima and faced Zoro and Sanji instead. Luffy and Eustass Kid never ...
Luffy would become the strongest member of both his pirate crew and his family, and with the awakening of Gear 5, Luffy is ...
The Ancient Giants likely played a crucial role in the Void Century War, and having their modern equivalent—in the form of Loki—join Luffy's side would mirror the historical alliance between ...
In many ways, the Dark-Dark Fruit echoes Luffy’s Gum-Gum Fruit, especially in one key way: their visual appearance. Due to this, and much more, the Dark-Dark Fruit’s similarities to the Gum ...
Additionally, much like Luffy’s Devil Fruit, Blackbeard seemed strangely drawn to the Dark-Dark Fruit in One Piece, even going as far as to murder a fellow crewmate over it. From here ...