Witness the power of advanced machinery as giant saws operate with precision in a modern factory. Designed to handle even the toughest wood, these saws cut through massive logs with ease, shaping them ...
The saw is built out of scraps and odd bits using angle iron as a base and an electric die grinder to spin a cut-off wheel. A small gear motor feeds the brass rod down a guide tube until it hits a ...
So you would want to slow down and let the saw work through the area. [Flowering Elbow] uses a pulley and offcut from the log and hangs it from a tree. The log drops as the cut progresses and ...
Stihl says its TS440 Cutquik cut-off machine is the first cut-off saw in the world with a blade brake, but the brake was actually created to support the saw’s adjustable guard. With the TS440 ...