An art installation featuring 30 laser beams in primary colors will shine from the top of the Space Needle Friday night.
Knowledge of a laser beam's shape and output-power distribution is critical for optimizing laser performance. Neil Savage summarizes the latest beam-profiling products on the market. People using ...
Lacking a vault door to drill, they used a powerful laser, delidding the IC and pulsing different areas of it with the beam. How do you know when exactly to pulse? For that, they took power ...
But using a laser beam to produce random numbers like that ... Maria Temming is the assistant managing editor at Science News Explores. She has bachelor's degrees in physics and English, and ...
The researchers used their optimized direct laser writing approach to create high-resolution 3D woodpiles using multiphoton DLW. (a) A schematic of a 3D woodpile (b) A 45°-oblique-view SEM image ...