What do whales eat? Inside the diet of blue ... they earned the nickname "devil fish" because of their aggressive response when harpooned by hunters. They were hunted nearly to extinction ...
The statement confirmed that 333 whales, including a number of pregnant females, have been harpooned in Antarctic waters by the whalers since December. Specifically, the coordinates provided ...
The harpooned whales of South Georgia met a brutal fate: winched onto boats then dumped on land, they were dragged to industrial whaling stations and systematically butchered. Between 1904 and ...
Moby Dick himself escaped triumphantly, and flesh & blood whalers have claimed that nothing like him was ever harpooned before or since. Last week the whale ship Anglo Norse put in at Elizabeth ...
Japan harpooned hundreds of whales across the Pacific every year on the pretext of studying their migration routes and to obtain data on whale numbers, their health and breeding patterns.