Car companies tease with futuristic concepts that never make it to market, but some of the most-loved cars of all time first ...
It's also one of the best aerodynamically designed cars to ever be made. Todd Willing: Hi, my name is Todd Willing. I'm global design director for trucks and SUVs at Ford Motor Company ...
And this is the second-generation NSX. It was first released in 2016 with the same mission: design a car that best showcases the company's engineering, design, and capability. And this is the guy ...
Laid out by Tales of Tomorrow Studio, with industrial design by Marc Newson, the Type 59 book is a thorough, forensic and undeniably elegant set of three volumes dedicated to one of the most iconic of ...
Students can investigate the design concept of prototype self-driving cars and then compare their function and aesthetic with conventional vehicles. Declan Curry investigates business strategies ...