The coyotes' eight-day reign of terror in Bellevue included biting a child’s hand in Factoria on Tuesday evening.
PetsPlayGround, a company specializing in pet fences, offers insight into barriers designed specifically to keep coyotes and ...
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is encouraging New Yorkers to help do their part to prevent ...
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks to host three public meetings regarding the night vision coyote hunting season.
Kansans will have three opportunities in the coming days to make their voices heard as state wildlife officials gather feedback on night vision coyote hunting season. Laura Clawson with the Kansas ...
By Julie Harris, Bangor Daily News Staff A bill that would have eliminated year-round hunting of coyotes was voted ought-not-to-pass Monday afternoon, March 17 by the Legislature’s Standing Committee ...
Officials believe two coyotes were responsible for at least five attacks reported in Bellevue's Factoria and Norwood Village ...
State wildlife officials say Bellevue's Factoria neighborhood is safe once again after some close calls with coyotes.
On Tuesday evening, the WDFW said a coyote bit a child on the hand. The child was treated for minor injuries at a local hospital and released the same night. WDFW officers responded swiftly ...