Cola, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is falling Friday afternoon. The Dow was most recently trading 123 points lower (-0.3%), as shares of Nike and Coca-Cola are contributing to the blue-chip ...
Ellsworth developed Poppi – then known as Mother Beverage -- in her kitchen in 2015 because she loved soda but was tired of ...
In one corner, Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) has a long history of rewarding shareholders with steady growth and rising profitability, ...
Some analysts believe that Pepsi has a shot at surpassing Coca-Cola soon, but not by selling more soda. Pepsi also has a broad lineup of snack brands like Doritos, Cheetos, and Lay's Potato Chips.
Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) is about as much of a blue-chip stock as you'll find. The company has been a leader in the beverage industry for a century, and it retains that status today. In addition to ...
and Lay’s potato chips and breakfast mainstays like Quaker Oats oatmeal and Cap’n Crunch cereal. While few stocks can beat Coca-Cola on consistent dividend growth, Pepsi is no slouch in this ...
Coca-Cola defines the classic blue chip investment with its 3% dividend yield, while Celsius may have more growth potential as it expands internationally. If forced to choose just one stock to buy ...